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The annual Toy & Book Drive was a great success. The toy drive is a favorite at the Elks. Each year, members and their families donate toys and books to ensure children who are in in need, receive a gift at Christmas time.
The Elks jumped into action and the gifts came pouring in.
The new rules and regulations, such as no books and changes to distribution were not going to slow down the Elks or the San Mateo Sheriff’s department. Tom and Colleen Dasher immediately went to work and had the toy bins sent to the lodge. Flyers were posted, calls were made, and emails were sent. Everyone worked together to ensure a successful drive.
Our lodge received donations in a variety of ways. Members stopped by the lodge to drop off toys. Our Dec 9th Weds Night dinner encouraged the diners to drop off a toy when they picked up their meals. Elks in Action headed by Roger Cutler donated $750 and the Lady Elks donated $50 to purchase new toys.
Facing a shut down in San Mateo County, the Toy Drive was cut short. South City Elks brought their donations to our lodge to ensure that children received the gifts by Christmas.
A heartfelt thanks to Sherriff Lelia Marie Valdez who on her day off came and collected a truck full of gifts. The bed of her truck literally was 5 feet high with toys.
A huge thanks to the members, The Dashers, Elks in Action, Lady Elks and especially South City Lodge for making this Toy Drive a success. Smiles on the faces of children are the best gifts of all.
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